The deduction of the income tax of the French citizen is an inevitable thing. So, to declare his income in France, it is now possible to do it online or in a tacit way. The latter has made many French people lose interest in the thing. However, it remains relevant.
What to understand about the income tax?
The income tax is related to the profits made, the gains on capital, and income. In France, the income tax is divided into several sections, try this out to get more information. This is the personal income tax. There is also the section called the Contribution Sociale Généralisée and finally the Contribution de pour le remboursement des dettes Sociales. The social levies concern much more the last two sections. The CSG and the CRDS were created in order to strengthen the country during the First World War. The IRPP for example is not only taxable to households, but also to some companies. It is the case for example of the personal company and the civil company. It is different from the taxes related to the premises.
How does the income tax work?
When it comes to paying income tax in France, there are two ways to do it. First, social security and employers' contributions are deducted from the salary of all employees. This is the reason why there is a net salary and a gross salary. After that, what follows is the declaration of taxable income. It should be remembered that before 2019, it was called a tax return. In fact, every French citizen is required to pay his taxes for each previous year, but it is essential for him to declare his income. If you want to know more about the tax on your income, please click on the link given above in this article.
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